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I offer a number of group coaching courses including 'Settling into the Ex-Pat Life' and 'Key Life Stages and Choices for Women'.




A very popular course I run is 'Parenting Teens in Dubai'.  I put the course together as a result of the journey I have been on with my pretty challenging teenage daughter.  Four years ago, when it was all getting a little much (!), I decided to try and find a new way of being in relationship with her.  I was aware that teenagers undergo huge hormonal changes in puberty and in addition I worked with a brilliant doctor in the UK who taught me about the significant brain development that occurs in this period. This combination of brain development and hormone surges along with other factors that I explored mean our teenagers are more likely to take risks, be combative in relationship with their nearest and dearest and fundamentally want to break away from their parents, all of which my daughter was doing, and all of which is essential in their training to be a healthy adult.  


I was able to combine this knowledge about teenage development with therapeutic techniques that I use with clients to work with my daughter, understand her better and communicate in a much more helpful way.   I also looked closely at the behaviours of myself and my husband and assessed appropriate changes we could make in our ways of relating.  The changes helped us tremendously and 4 years on we would both say that we are closer and more understanding of each other than we have ever been.


Bringing up teenagers here is a very unique experience both in terms of the restrictions that society places on them and also because many of us are here without the support of family and close friends who have known us and our children for many years.  The 'Parenting Teens in Dubai' coaching course covers a myriad of areas including communicating with your teenager so that they will listen, how to understand and work with teenage behaviour and also teenage issues like dealing with drugs and alcohol, their sexuality and nurturing their self-esteem and own mental health.  


For me, the course is a fabulous opportunity to connect with other mums of teens and what started off as an educational coaching course has also become an environment for us to share concerns and support each other.  




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